

毛毯产业在中国的发展如燎原之火,在近十五年来得到了迅猛的发展,已成为世界毛毯的生产基地,产量位居世界之首。 在八十年代初,以广东美雅、牡丹江毛毯厂、大庆毛毯厂等为代表的拉舍尔毛毯国营生产厂家,引进了日本二十余条自动生产线,开始了中国毛毯产品的更新换代,逐步以拉舍尔毛毯代替以前的羊毛毯。 到了九十年代初,以广东昆庆、上海皇都为代表的亚克力毛毯台资企业,按照生产毛绒面料的工艺来加工制作毛毯,使得腈纶毛毯在手感、光泽、亮度等方面都有了很大的提高,而且生产线的投入比拉舍尔毛毯生产线大幅降低,使得有更多的民营企业有能力投资毛毯产品。在广东、浙江沿海地区形成产业基地,获取了较好的利润收益。 在一九九七年底,河北保定美雅纺织有限公司率先在北方建厂,开始亚克力毛毯的生产,结果一发而不可收,三年之内,在保定地区的蠡县、高阳、安新三县建起了几十家毛毯厂,并且迅猛发展,形成规模化生产基地,产量跃居全国前列,占据了国内大部分市场份额,使得沿海生产厂家转向国外做出口。但在近几年,河北毛毯企业也由国内销售转向国外市场,使得中国毛毯称雄世界。原料上由腈纶逐步转向涤纶,工艺改进得非常迅速,在国外市场占据的份额越来越大,日本、南韩、匈牙利等国家的毛毯产业逐步在衰退。 亚克力毛毯厂家由手工台板印花,逐步改为自动平网印花,产品品质和数量都提高很快,如浙江的真爱、山东的圣豪等,都具有年产成品2万吨左右的生产能力,对中东国家出口量为最大。 在江苏以常熟锦绣、太仓勤益、南通华银毛绒制品有限公司为代表的厂家,以出口日本为主,南通华银的复合地毯在日本市场深受欢迎。 在黑龙江,牡丹江的中奥毯业、佳木斯的雅佳毛毯、大庆的金煌毛毯借地利优势,以单层毛毯居多,大量出口俄罗斯。


毛 毯 洗 涤 说 明

毛 毯 洗 涤 说 明:












New York Men's Fashion | Eight Easy Pices

If something has become clear during this round of shows, it’s that luxury is not about ostentation or gratuitous status symbols anymore. That’s not to say that fashion is going down-market — it just means that the premium is now on value, not flash. There will always be a desire for special items to work into a wardrobe of everyday basics, as long as they warrant the investment. Here is a roundup of this week’s men’s standout items; some will be expensive, others not so much — but they will all be worth their price.


Men & Women: The Difference

Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked women. Women's magazines also feature pictures of naked women. This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is lumpy and hairy and shouldn't be seen by the light of day. Men are turned on at the sight of a naked woman's body. Most naked men elicit laughter from women.
Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.
Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and soccer games and romances and best friends and favorite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
Women look nice when they wear jewelry. A man can get away with wearing one ring and that's it. Any more than that and he will look like a lounge singer named Ramone.
Men use restrooms for purely biological reasons. Women use restrooms as social lounges. Men in a restroom will never speak a word to each other. Women who've never met will leave a restroom giggling together like old friends. And never in the history of the world has a man excused himself from a restaurant table by saying, 'Hey, Tom, I was just about to take a leak. Do you want to join me?'


Scientists: True love can last a lifetime

Love's first blush fading? Lost that loving feeling? Love is not all around?

Scientists have used brain scans to study how long love lasts between couples.

Sick of cliches?
Take heart, scientists have discovered that people can have a love that lasts a lifetime.
Using brain scans, researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as most people only do during the early throes of romance, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper reported.
The researchers scanned the brains of couples together for 20 years and compared them with results from new lovers, the Sunday Times said.
About 10 percent of the mature couples had the same chemical reactions when shown photographs of their loved ones as those just starting out.
Previous research has suggested that the first stages of romantic love fade within 15 months and after 10 years it has gone completely, the newspaper said.
"The findings go against the traditional view of romance -- that it drops off sharply in the first decade -- but we are sure it's real," said Arthur Aron, a psychologist at Stony Brook, told the Sunday Times.


Low profile 6 panel self fabric velcro closure. Made of 50% post consumer P.E.T recycled clear plastic.



A blanket is a type of bedding, generally speaking a large piece of cloth, intended to keep the user warm, especially while sleeping. Blankets are distinguished from sheets by their thickness and purpose; the thickest sheet is still thinner than the lightest blanket, because blankets are for warmth, while sheets are for hygiene, comfort and aesthetics. Blankets are subdivided into many types, including quilts, duvets, and comforters, depending on their thickness, construction and/or fill material. Electric blankets are heated by electricity. Blankets were traditionally made of wool because of wool's warmth, breathability and natural fire-retardant properties, while sheets were made of cotton or linen, which are less irritating to the skin. These days, synthetic fibers are frequently used for both. Throw blankets are smaller blankets, often in decorative colors and patterns, that can be used for extra warmth outside of bed.